Metabolic Charts
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Interactive Model

The Oral Human Microbiome Integrated Computational System (OHMICS) aims at bringing to the study of human oral pathogens the tools and approaches of Systems Biology. One of our main current goals is the computational construction and analysis of the genome-scale metabolic network of  Porphyromonas gingivalis, a gram-negative anaerobe that is endemic in the human population. P. gingivalis is largely responsible for adult periodontitis, and is implicated in cardiovascular disease and systemic conditions caused by prolonged inflammation. Using our model it will be possible to study in silico the metabolic activity of the organism under a number of different environmental conditions and genetic perturbations. A first working version of the model was described in detail in Mazumdar et al., J Bacteriol. 2009 Jan;191(1):74-90 [PDF]. Refinements of the model, and additional data and resources will be posted in this website on a regular basis.